Neurotrophin Production by Respiratory Epithelial Cells in Allergic Airway Diseases: A Model of Neuro-Immune Interactions

Allergic bronchial asthma (BA) is a model of neuro-immune interactions diseases, and it is characterized by chronic airway inflammation, development of airway hyperactivity and recurrent reversible airway obstruction. Neurotrophins (NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and NT-4) are also important mediators in the immun...

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Bibliográfalaš dieđut
Váldodahkki: Mkhlof, Samr
Eará dahkkit: Renz, Harald (Prof. Dr.) (BetreuerIn (Doktorarbeit))
Materiálatiipa: Dissertation
Almmustuhtton: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2007
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