Sprachsensible Bildungsräume gestalten – Eine Professionalisierungsaufgabe der Lehrer/-innenbildung

Der vorliegende Beitrag thematisiert die sprachsensible Gestaltung von Bildungsräumen als Professionalisierungsaufgabe in der Lehrer/-innenbildung angesichts einer zunehmenden Heterogenität der Schülerschaft und der Studierendenschaft. Er zeigt auf, wie die Lernorte Schule und Hochschule so gestalte...

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Бібліографічні деталі
Опубліковано в::DaF-/DaZ-/DaM-Bildungsräume: Sprech- & Textformen im Fokus (Band 02)
Автори: Decker, Lena, Siebert-Ott, Gesa, Hensel, Sonja (Mitarb.), Kaplan, Ina (Mitarb.), Köhler, Andreas (Mitarb.)
Інші автори: Dirks, Una (Редактор)
Формат: Kapitel
Опубліковано: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2019
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This article focuses on linguistic-sensitive approaches to educational settings in teacher training programs. The issues addressed in this context refer to the increasing heterogeneity in school and university students. Against this background, it is considered a professional necessity that schools and universities help their (pre-service) teachers both with improving their own text and discourse competencies and with the development of proper knowledge and skills to systematically enhance the text and discourse competencies in their students, also by taking into account the development of subject-specific competencies. The ideas presented here are based on the results of a joint research project („AkaTex“) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and on the first results of an Akatex transfer project („SiFu“) funded by the University of Siegen in cooperation with the upper secondary levels of two schools.