The Divans of the six ancient poets Ennābiga, Antara, Tharafa, Zuhair, Alqama and Imruulqais : chiefly according to the MSS. of Paris, Gotha, and Leyden ; and a collection of their fragments ; with a list of the various readings of the text

Elektronische Reproduktion von: The Divans of the six ancient poets Ennābiga, ʿAntara, Tharafa, Zuhair, ʿAlqama and Imruulqais : chiefly according to the MSS. of Paris, Gotha, and Leyden ; and a collection of their fragments ; with a list of the various readings of the text / ed. by W. Ahlwardt. - L...

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Váldodahkkit: Imruʾ-'l-Qais, Nābiġa a̲d-̲Dubyāni an-, Antara, Ṭarafa Ibn-al- Abd, Zuhair, Alqama Ibn- Abada
Eará dahkkit: Ahlwardt, Wilhelm (Doaimmaheaddji)
Materiálatiipa: Girji
Almmustuhtton: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2021
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