Analysis of Morphology and Transport Characteristics of Mesoporous Materials

Today, mesoporous silica are employed in a wide field of applications. They are used for example as packing materials in chromatography, as support materials for the transport of medical agents within and through the human body, in catalysis or as nanoparticles in nanomedicine. In particular, the mo...

תיאור מלא

שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
מחבר ראשי: Hochstraßer, Janika
מחברים אחרים: Tallarek, Ulrich (Prof. Dr.) (BetreuerIn (Doktorarbeit))
פורמט: Dissertation
יצא לאור: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2022
גישה מקוונת:PDF-Volltext
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