Characterization of type III secretion system-dependent protein secretion in Y. enterocolitica

The type III secretion system (T3SS) is utilized by many Gram-negative bacteria to promote survival in a variety of symbiotic or pathogenic relationships. Many pathogenic bacteria use their T3SS, commonly called the injectisome, to translocate bacterial effector proteins to manipulate host cells and...

תיאור מלא

שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
מחבר ראשי: Milne-Davies, Bailey Abigail
מחברים אחרים: Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte (Prof. Dr.) (BetreuerIn (Doktorarbeit))
פורמט: Dissertation
יצא לאור: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2021
גישה מקוונת:PDF-Volltext
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