Non-Thermal Activation of Reactions of Organic Molecules on Si(001)- Molecular Beam and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Experiments

In the presented cumulative thesis, the reaction of different organic molecules on Si(001) surface are studied by using molecular beam techniques and scanning tunneling microscopy. The obtained results are discussed with a special focus on the dynamics of the reactions, the underlying potential ener...

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Bibliográfalaš dieđut
Váldodahkki: Bo hamud, Tamam
Eará dahkkit: Höfer, Ulrich (Prof. Dr. rer. nat.) (BetreuerIn (Doktorarbeit))
Materiálatiipa: Dissertation
Almmustuhtton: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2020
Fáddágilkorat: Lasit fáddágilkoriid
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