On the multi-scale analysis of land-surface mass and energy exchanges for the tropical Andean páramo of Southern Ecuador

Studies on the atmosphere-surface exchange processes over montane regions represent a growing field. This is particular on the scope of ecohydrological investigations, which assess the estimation and prediction of water, carbon and energy fluxes, among other functional key-indicators of the biomes....

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Egile nagusia: Carrillo Rojas, Galo José
Beste egile batzuk: Bendix, Jörg (Prof. Dr.) (Tesi aholkularia)
Formatua: Dissertation
Argitaratua: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2019
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Sailkapena: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2019-02146
Argitaratze data: 2019-11-05
Datum der Annahme: 2019-04-24
Downloads: 102 (2024), 143 (2023), 109 (2022), 92 (2021), 117 (2020), 29 (2019)
Lizenz: https://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-NC/1.0/
URL sarbidea: https://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/diss/z2019/0214