Gorenstein stable surfaces satisfying K_X^2 = 2 and χ(O_X)=4

We define and study a concrete stratification of the moduli space of Gorenstein stable surfaces X satisfying K_X^2 = 2 and χ(O_X ) = 4, by first establishing an isomorphism with the moduli space of plane octics with certain singularities, which is then easier to handle concretely. In total, there a...

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Váldodahkki: Anthes, Ben
Eará dahkkit: Rollenske, Sönke (Prof. Dr.) (BetreuerIn (Doktorarbeit))
Materiálatiipa: Dissertation
Almmustuhtton: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2018
Fáddágilkorat: Lasit fáddágilkoriid
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Čoahkkáigeassu:We define and study a concrete stratification of the moduli space of Gorenstein stable surfaces X satisfying K_X^2 = 2 and χ(O_X ) = 4, by first establishing an isomorphism with the moduli space of plane octics with certain singularities, which is then easier to handle concretely. In total, there are 47 inhabited strata with altogether 78 components.
Olgguldas hápmi:100 Seiten