Strong-Coupling Solution of the Dynamical Mean-Field Equations for the Mott-Hubbard Insulator on a Bethe Lattice

In this work, we analyze the single-particle Green function of the Hubbard model on the Bethe lattice with an infinite number of nearest neighbors at zero temperature. The Hubbard model is conceptually the simplest many-electron model. Nevertheless, it poses a most difficult many-body problem. Exce...

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Detaylı Bibliyografya
Yazar: Ruhl, Daniel F.
Diğer Yazarlar: Gebhard, Florian (Prof. Dr.) (Tez danışmanı)
Materyal Türü: Dissertation
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2010
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