Monitoring a Mystery: The Unknown Right Ventricle during Left Ventricular Unloading with Impella in Patients with Cardiogenic Shock

Background: Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction or failure occurs in more than 30% of patients in cardiogenic shock (CS). However, the importance of timely diagnosis of prognostically relevant impairment of RV function is often underestimated. Moreover, data regarding the impact of mechanical circ...

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Bibliográfalaš dieđut
Váldodahkkit: Markus, Birgit, Kreutz, Julian, Chatzis, Georgios, Syntila, Staliani, Choukeir, Maryana, Schieffer, Bernhard, Patsalis, Nikolaos
Materiálatiipa: Artihkal
Almmustuhtton: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2024
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