The importin beta superfamily member RanBP17 exhibits a role in cell proliferation and is associated with improved survival of patients with HPV+ HNSCC

More than twenty years after its discovery, the role of the importin beta superfamily member Ran GTP-binding protein (RanBP) 17 is still ill defined. Previously, we observed notable RanBP17 RNA expression levels in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines with disruptive TP53 mutatio...

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Autoren: Mandic, Robert, Marquardt, André, Terhorst, Philip, Ali, Uzma, Nowak-Rossmann, Annette, Cai, Chengzhong, Rodepeter, Fiona R., Stiewe, Thorsten, Wezorke, Bernadette, Wanzel, Michael, Neff, Andreas, Stuck, Boris A., Bette, Michael
Format: Artikel
Veröffentlicht: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2022
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