In Vitro Activity of Amphotericin B in Combination with Colistin against Fungi Responsible for Invasive Infections

The in vitro interaction of amphotericin B in combination with colistin was evaluated against a total of 86 strains comprising of 47 Candida species (10 Candida albicans, 15 Candida auris, five Candida glabrata, three Candida kefyr, five Candida krusei, four Candida parapsilosis and five Candida tro...

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Autoren: Schwarz, Patrick, Nikolskiy, Ilya, Bidaud, Anne-Laure, Sommer, Frank, Bange, Gert, Dannaoui, Eric
Format: Artikel
Veröffentlicht: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2022
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