Why are Korean village guardians exhibited in an institution managed by a Japanese new religion? The Intertwined Contexts of the Tenri University Sankōkan Museum

Tenrikyō is one of the oldest of Japan’s ‘new religions’. Founded by Nakayama Miki in 1838, its main goal is to establish a joyous life which is granted by the god Tenri-O-no-Mikoto, which is believed to have revealed itself to Nakayama Miki. The architecture of the main Tenrikyō sanctuary in the...

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Publikašuvnnas:Handling Religious Things. The Material and the Social in Museums (Band 10)
Váldodahkki: Liefert, Ferdinand
Materiálatiipa: Kapitel
Almmustuhtton: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2022
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