The Dynamics of Meaning – the Aché Ritual Combat Club „tõ-mombú“ and the Interpretation of Ritual Objects

Occasionally the complex meaning of objects in ethnographic collections is hidden behind an unpretentious outward appearance as in case of the „tõ-mombú“, a ritual combat club of the Aché, a formerly nomadic ethnic group in Paraguay. At first glance a simple, rudder-shaped wooden stick, a closer vi...

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Publikašuvnnas:Religious Materials: Emic Perspectives - Etic Constructions - Museum Classifications. REDIM Conference 2021
Váldodahkki: Schweitzer de Palacios, Dagmar (Dr.)
Eará dahkkit: Franke, Edith (Prof. Dr.) (Hrsg), Jelinek-Menke, Ramona (Dr.) (Hrsg)
Materiálatiipa: Vortrag
Almmustuhtton: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2021
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