Handling Religious Things. The Material and the Social in Museums

Museums are receiving currently a lot of public attention with regard to the material objects they host, and the historical and contemporary handling of these objects. There are global public debates about the origins, paths, and futures of museum things. Since at least 2018, with the report on the...

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-д хадгалсан:
Номзүйн дэлгэрэнгүй
-д хэвлэсэн:Handling Religious Things. The Material and the Social in Museums (Band 00)
Үндсэн зохиолчид: Franke, Edith (Засварлагч), Jelinek-Menke, Ramona (Засварлагч)
Формат: Sammelband
Хэл сонгох:англи
Хэвлэсэн: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2022
Онлайн хандалт:PDF-н бүрэн текст
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