From labour migrant to stay-at-home mother? Childcare and return to work among migrant mothers from the EU Accession countries in Ireland

Previous research on the labour market integration of migrants from EU Accession countries has primarily viewed migrants as individual economic actors, despite their increasing role in family formation. In this contribution, mothers’ return to work after birth is analysed using data from the Irish c...

Бүрэн тодорхойлолт

-д хадгалсан:
Номзүйн дэлгэрэнгүй
Үндсэн зохиолчид: Röder, Antje, Ward, Mark, Fresen, Carmen-Adriana
Формат: Өгүүллэг
Хэл сонгох:англи
Хэвлэсэн: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2018
Онлайн хандалт:PDF-н бүрэн текст
Шошгууд: Шошго нэмэх
Шошго байхгүй, Энэхүү баримтыг шошголох эхний хүн болох!