Competence Evaluation in German as a Foreign Language for PR

This contribution presents the findings of an investigation of the competences, levels of performance and progress of students who were enrolled in German as a Foreign Language (GFL) courses within the Public Relations program at the University of Udine (Italy). Besides domain-specific, methodologic...

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Збережено в:
Бібліографічні деталі
Опубліковано в::Professionalisierung und Diagnosekompetenz (Band V.4)
Автор: Jammernegg, Iris
Співавтор: Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (Організація, що випускає)
Інші автори: Hansmann, Wilfried & Dirks, Una
Формат: Kapitel
Опубліковано: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2012
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Professionalisierung und Diagnosekompetenz