Martin Repp: Hōnens religiöses Denken. Eine Untersuchung zu Strukturen religiöser Erneuerung

The title of this major new work by Martin Repp could be translated into English as “Hōnen’s Religious Thought; An Investigation into Structures of Religious Renewal”, and this title already says a great deal, quite precisely, about the approach which the author takes. First, the book is above all a...

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Бібліографічні деталі
Опубліковано в::Marburg Journal of Religion
Автор: Pye, Michael
Формат: Artikel (Zeitschrift)
Опубліковано: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2007
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Резюме:The title of this major new work by Martin Repp could be translated into English as “Hōnen’s Religious Thought; An Investigation into Structures of Religious Renewal”, and this title already says a great deal, quite precisely, about the approach which the author takes. First, the book is above all about the religious thought of the Japanese Buddhist Hōnen (1133-1212), and not mainly about his life or activities.