Titel:Do pump prices really follow Edgeworth cycles? Evidence from the German retail fuel market
Autor:de Haas, Samuel
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-es2024-06088
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17192/es2024.0608
ISSN: 1867-3678
DDC:330 Wirtschaft


Retail gasoline, Price e�ects, Edgeworth price cycles, Coordination, Natural experiment

Most of the literature on retail fuel markets find high-frequency and asymmetric price cycles. This is typically explained by the model of Edgeworth price cycles. A key element of this model is that prices fall to marginal costs during a cycle. It seems challenging to address this assumption empirically. However, I use a natural experiment in the German fuel market to analyze the effects of an external cost shock. I find strong evidence that prices do not fall to marginal costs. This is not in line with Edgeworth cycles and thus, should be taken into account when analyzing fuel markets.

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