Publikationsserver der Universitätsbibliothek Marburg

Titel:Successful implementation of a rater training program for medical students to evaluate simulated pediatric emergencies
Autor:Mand, Nadine
Weitere Verfasser:Stibane, Tina; Sitter, Helmut; Maier, Rolf Felix; Leonhardt, Andreas
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-es2024-04175
DDC:610 Medizin
Titel (trans.):Erfolgreiche Implementierung eines mehrstufigen Beobachtertrainings für Medizinstudierende zur Evaluation simulierter pädiatrischer Notfallsituationen


pediatric life support, medical students, simulation

Introduction: Simulation-based training is increasingly used in pediatrics to teach technical skills, teamwork, and team communication, and to improve potential deficiencies in pediatric emergency care. Team performance must be observed, analyzed, and evaluated by trained raters. The structured training of medical students for the assessment of simulated pediatric emergencies has not yet been investigated. Methods: We developed a rater training program for medical students to assess guideline adherence, teamwork, and team communication in simulated pediatric emergencies. Interrater reliability was measured at each training stage using Kendall tau coefficients. Results: In 10 out of 15 pairs of raters interrater reliability was moderate to high (tau>0.4), whereas it was low in the remaining 5 pairs of raters. Discussion: The interrater reliability showed good agreement between medical students and expert raters at the end of the rater training program. Medical students can be successfully involved in the assessment of guideline adherence as well as teamwork and team communication in simulated pediatric emergencies.

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