Publikationsserver der Universitätsbibliothek Marburg

Titel:Five Guiding Principles to Make Jupyter Notebooks Fit for Earth Observation Data Education
Autor:Wagemann, Julia
Weitere Verfasser:Fierli, Federico; Mantovani, Simone; Siemen, Stephan; Seeger, Bernhard; Bendix, Jörg
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-es2023-00377
DDC:910 Geografie, Reisen


training, Jupyter, atmospheric composition, Earth Observation data, computational notebooks, Python

There is a growing demand to train Earth Observation (EO) data users in how to access and use existing and upcoming data. A promising tool for data-related training is computational notebooks, which are interactive web applications that combine text, code and computational output. Here, we present the Learning Tool for Python (LTPy), which is a training course (based on Jupyter notebooks) on atmospheric composition data. LTPy consists of more than 70 notebooks and has taught over 1000 EO data users so far, whose feedback is overall positive. We adapted five guiding principles from different fields (mainly scientific computing and Jupyter notebook research) to make the Jupyter notebooks more educational and reusable. The Jupyter notebooks developed (i) follow the literate programming paradigm by a text/code ratio of 3, (ii) use instructional design elements to improve navigation and user experience, (iii) modularize functions to follow best practices for scientific computing, (iv) leverage the wider Jupyter ecosystem to make content accessible and (v) aim for being reproducible. We see two areas for future developments: first, to collect feedback and evaluate whether the instructional design elements proposed meet their objective; and second, to develop tools that automatize the implementation of best practices.

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