A Letter from the Church of Scientology


  • Leisa Goodman Church of Scientology International




This is a response to the article: The French and German versus American Debate over 'New Religions', Scientology, and Human Rights Stephen A. Kent, Edmonton (Canada) Published in MJR Vol.6, No.1 (January 2001)

A person who wears the label of "professor" assumes certain responsibilities. Foremost is that his work will be thorough, fair and honest, and free from preconceptions offered as conclusions. One can hardly imagine a scholar writing about Judaism, but not speaking to any Jews. Or doing a dissertation on the Lutherans, but never attending one of their services. What would you think of someone who claimed a close knowledge of Catholicism based on his conversations with excommunicates? And if he insisted that his lack of first-hand information was an asset, not a liability, and yet he had only negative things to say, you would probably label him biased, at least. Certainly, you would doubt his being the disinterested seeker after truth that is traditionally the mark of the scholar.

Author Biography

Leisa Goodman, Church of Scientology International

Human Rights Directo




How to Cite

Goodman, L. (2015). A Letter from the Church of Scientology. Marburg Journal of Religion, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.17192/mjr.2001.6.3752


