Elektronische Reproduktion von: The Flinders Petrie papyri : with transcriptions, commentaries and index / by John P. Mahaffy ; Vol. 2. : Autotypes I. To XVIII. - Dublin : Academy House, 1893. - 44, 207, 3 Seiten : XVIII Tafeln : Faksimiles. -
Standort: Universität Marburg, Universitätsbibliothek. -
Signatur: 085 4 2017/00403. -
( Cunningham memoir ; 9). -
Digitalisiert 2021
Inhaltsverzeichnis / Content:
- Cunningham Memoirs. No. IX. On the Flinders Petrie Papyri – II.
- Addenda et Corrigenda.
- Transcriptions, Commentaries, and Index. - Part II.
- - I. Fragment of a Petition.
- - II. - XV. (Correspondences of Diophanes, Kleon, Theodoros, Aphthonetos etc.)
- - XVI. - . (Affairs, Charge for Assault, Petitions from Prisoners, Minutes of Official Correspondence etc.)
- - XXIII. - XXIX. (Fragm. of Letters, Receipts, Taxing Accounts)
- - XXX. - XXXIX. (Papers concerning Farms, etc., Complaints of Violence, Legal Documents, Taxing Accounts etc.)
- - XL. - XLVIII. (Various Business Letters, Lease of a Farm, Mortgage of an Estate, Receipts etc.)
- - XLIX. (Classical Fragments)
- - L. (Fragments from the Laches of Plato)
- Indices
- - I. Index to Subjects.
- - II. Index of proper Names and Place Names.
- - II. Index of Greek Words.
- Autotypes I. to XVIII.
- - List of Autotypes.
- - Autotype I. (Letter from Dioscourides, Correspondence of Kleon, Taxing Account)
- - Autotype II. (Complaint from Demetrios, Polykrates to his Father (Kleon))
- - Autotype III. (From Quarrymen in Paston (to Kleon)
- - Autotype IV. (Letter from Alexander (to Kleon), Fragment of a Letter)
- - Autotype V. (From the Royal Gooseherds (to Phaies))
- - Autotype VI. (Armais to Kleon, Correspondence of Kleon)
- - Autotype VII. (Supply and Carriage of Bricks)
- - Autotype VIII. (Official Correspondence)
- - Autotype IX. (Vetturini Receipts)
- - Autotype X. (Bilingual Fragment)
- - Autotype XI. (Complaint to Semphthis)
- - Autotype XII. (Horus to Harmais, and Reply)
- - Autotype XIII. (Taxing-List of Orphans)
- - Autotype XIV. (Mortgage of the Estate of Theotimos)
- - Autotype XV. (Mortgage of the Estate of Theotimos, Carriage of Bricks)
- - Autotype XVI. (Collection of Epigrams, Dorotheos to Theodoros)
- - Autotype XVII. (Laches of Plato)
- - Autotype XVIII. (Laches of Plato)