Publikationsserver der Universitätsbibliothek Marburg

Titel:Exciton Populations and Correlation Effects in Semiconductor Quantum Wires
Autor:Siggelkow, Sven
Weitere Beteiligte: Koch, Stephan (Prof. Dr.)
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2006-01489
DDC: Physik
Titel (trans.):Exzitonische Besetzungen und Korrelationen in Halbleiter-Quanten-Drähten


Semiconductor, Exciton, Quantumwire, Exciton-phonon interaction, Exziton, Quantendraht, Exciton-spectrum, Halbleiter, Exzitonenspektrum

In the presented work the dynamical properties of a population of bound excitons in a semiconductor quantum-wire is modelled theoretically. To this end, the Hamilton-operator H of the system is derived. Using the Heisenberg equation, equations of motion for the relevant elements of the reduced density matrix are obtained from the commutation with H. In our studies, we have have numerically simulated the coupled system of charge-carriers, longitudinal-accoustical (LA) phonons and many-body correlations. In the first part of the presented work, the stability of a population of bound excitons against scattering with LA-phonons is examined. A pronounced dependence on carrier-density and lattice-temperature is observed. The results are compared to calculations with a simple mass-action-law formalism. In the second part, dynamically calculated many-body correlations are used to study the influence of bound electron-hole pairs on exciton-spectra in linear absorption experiments.

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