Ambiguous Perception and Selective Attention - Competitive Processes in Complex Scenarios

Unser visuelles System wird jeden Tag mit komplexen und mehrdeutigen Szenen und Ereignissen konfrontiert. Diese Informationen müssen weitergeleitet, gefiltert und verarbeitet werden, um uns ein angemessenes Verhalten in unserer Umwelt zu ermöglichen. Visuelle Wahrnehmung ist dieser Prozess der Inter...

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Бібліографічні деталі
Автор: Marx, Svenja
Інші автори: Einhäuser-Treyer, Wolfgang (Prof. Dr.) (Керівник дипломної роботи)
Формат: Dissertation
Опубліковано: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2015
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Our visual system is confronted with complex and often ambiguous scenes and events every day. This information needs to be transduced, filtered and processed to enable us to behave adequately in our environment. This process of interpreting our environment based on information contained in visible light is called visual perception. The challenges our visual perception is confronted with are manifold. For example, lack of information makes situations difficult to interpret and sometimes visual scenes may allow different interpretations making it hard to compose congruent experiences from them. This thesis comprises five studies investigating visual perception in ambiguous or other complex situations in the laboratory and in the real world. Healthy observers as well as patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases were investigated and a neural model was used to get a better understanding of the underlying neural mechanisms during ambiguous perception.