Genuflect to Progress: Islam, Modernity, & Time


  • Jordan Yearsley Connecticut



islam, Westen, west, Moderne, modernity, Modernisierung, modernization, Zeitkonzepte, concept of time


The so-called dilemma confronting “Islam and the West,” however justified, is currently the topic of much debate and speculation. This paper examines “Western” conceptions of time, juxtaposing them with their “Islamic” counterparts as elucidated by several contemporary Muslim theologians and scholars. Through a careful analysis of the contemporary dynamics of modernity and the challenges it poses, this paper seeks to develop an understanding of the framework within which many Muslims have encountered Western thought, with particular emphasis on the difficult reconciliation of past and present, and the varied responses that it engenders.

Author Biography

Jordan Yearsley, Connecticut or


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How to Cite

Yearsley, J. (2015). Genuflect to Progress: Islam, Modernity, & Time. Marburg Journal of Religion, 15(1).


