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Titel:Multiple perspectives on innovation: insights from corporate communications, innovation policy and the disclosure of R&D
Autor:Ackermann, Malte
Weitere Beteiligte: Stephan, Michael (Prof. Dr.)
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2014-01187
DDC: Management
Titel (trans.):Multiple Perspektiven von Innovationen: Erkenntnisse der Corporate Communications, Innovation Policy und den Publizitätspflichten von Forschung und Entwicklung


Buzzwords, Innovationskommunikation ,Organizational Innovativeness, Corporate Communications, Innovation, Board Composition, Corporate Communications ,Organizational Innovativeness ,Buzzwords ,Suply Chain Management ,Merger Review, Suply Chain Management, Solarindustrie, Merger Review

Cumulative Doctoral Thesis compromising eight different papers in the following fields: Corporate Communications, Supply Chain Management, Lexical Evolution, Merger Review, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Solar industry and Organizational Innovativeness.

Bibliographie / References

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