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Titel:Geometric, Feature-based and Graph-based Approaches for the Structural Analysis of Protein Binding Sites : Novel Methods and Computational Analysis
Autor:Fober, Thomas
Weitere Beteiligte: Hüllermeier, Eyke (Prof. Dr.)
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2013-01262
DDC: Informatik
Titel (trans.):Geometrische, merkmalbasierte und graphbasierte Ansätze für die strukturelle Analyse von Proteinbindetaschen : Neue Methoden und deren Vergleich


Graphs, Distanzen, Distances, Punktmenge, Punktwolken, Protein Binding Sites, Labeled Point Clouds, Proteinbindetasche, Feature Vectors, Graphen, Merkmalvektoren

In this thesis, protein binding sites are considered. To enable the extraction of information from the space of protein binding sites, these binding sites must be mapped onto a mathematical space. This can be done by mapping binding sites onto vectors, graphs or point clouds. To finally enable a structure on the mathematical space, a distance measure is required, which is introduced in this thesis. This distance measure eventually can be used to extract information by means of data mining techniques.

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  147. Thomas Fober Sachsenring 16 35041 Marburg Germany Education Since October 2007: PhD-student in Computer Science at the Department Mathematics and Computer Science, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany.

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