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Titel:Die chemische Bindung in hochkoordinierten Übergangsmetallverbindungen
Autor:von Hopffgarten, Moritz
Weitere Beteiligte: Frenking, Gernot (Prof. Dr.)
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2011-06139
DDC:540 Chemie
Titel (trans.):The Chemical Bond in Highly Coordinated Transition Metal Compounds

2. Daten

complex, Chemische Bindung, Übergangsmetall, Quantenchemie, chemical bond, Clusterverbindungen, quantum chemistry, cluster compound, Komplexe, transition metal

Die Natur der chemischen Bindung in experimentell bekannten zinkreichen Übergangsmetallverbindungen M(ZnR)n (n = 8-12) wird untersucht um die Existenz der ungewöhnlich hohen Koordinationszahlen zu verstehen. Die untersuchten Moleküle erinnern an endohedrale Cluster, es stellt sich aber heraus, dass ihre Stabilität durch starke radiale Wechselwirkungen erzeugt wird, die für Koordinationsverbindungen typisch sind.

Bibliographie / References

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  18. ∆E int -267.6 -363.1 -386.0 ∆E Pauli 233.1 345.0 351.8 ∆E elstat [a] -176.8 (35.3%) -261.9 (37.0%) -283.2 (38.0%) ∆E orb [a] -323.9 (64.7%) -446.2 (63.0%) -462.6 (62.0%) ∆E(a g ) [b] -68.5 (21.2%) -70.2 (15.7%) -66.0 (14.3%)
  19. ∆E int -549.9 -555.9 -580.1 ∆E Pauli 1662.5 1641.0 1729.1 ∆E elstat [a] -1577.3 (71.3%) -1606.2 (73.1%) -1761.0 (76.3%) ∆E orb [a] -635.2 (28.7%) -590.7 (26.9%) -548.2 (23.7%) ∆E(a g ) [b] -236.7 (37.3%) -226.9 (38.4%) -144.8 (26.4%) ∆E(h g ) [b] -405.7 (63.9%) -362.3 (61.4%) -399.3 (72.9%) ∆E(t 1u ) [b] 7.5 (-1.2%) -1.3 (0.2%) -3.7 (0.7%)
  20. C. Boucher, M. G. B. Drew, P. Giddings, L. M. Harwood, M. J. Hudson, P. B. Iveson, C. Madic. 12-coordinate complexes formed by the early lanthanide metals with 2,6-bis(-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-pyridine. Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2002, 5, 596– 599.
  21. Die Werte in Klammern entsprechen dem Anteil an den gesamten Orbitalwechselwirkungen ∆E orb . -1.9 (0.1%) -48.6 (3.6%) -72.3 (5.7%) ∆E orb [a] -1340.0 (99.9%) -1295.6 (96.4%) 1206.3 (94.4%) ∆E(a g ) [b] -9.3 (0.7%) -21.5 (1.7%) -37.2 (3.1%) ∆E(h g ) [b] -1150.8 (85.9%) -1116.1 (86.2%) -991.2 (82.2%) ∆E(t 1u ) [b] -176.1 (13.1%) -154.8 (11.9%) -174.2 (14.4%)
  22. ∆E(1α) [b] –37.0 (s; 0.702) –42.9 (s; 0.672) –31.1 (s; 0.634) ∆E(2α) [b] +44.5 (d; 0.558) +17.2 (d; 0.507) +9.9 (d; 0.518) ∆E(3α) [b] +44.5 (d; 0.557) +17.2 (d; 0.506) +9.9 (d; 0.518) ∆E(4α) [b] +44.5 (d; 0.557) +17.2 (d; 0.506) +9.9 (d; 0.518) ∆E(5α) [b] +44.5 (d; 0.557) +17.2 (d; 0.506) +9.9 (d; 0.518) ∆E(6α) [b] +44.5 (d; 0.557) +17.2 (d; 0.506) +9.9 (d; 0.518) ∆E(7α) [b] –16.6 (p; 0.141) –14.4 (p; 0.133) –15.5 (p; 0.142) ∆E(8α) [b] –16.6 (p; 0.141) –14.4 (p; 0.133) –15.5 (p; 0.142) ∆E(9α) [b] –16.6 (p; 0.141) –14.4 (p; 0.133) –15.5 (p; 0.142)
  23. ∆E(1β) [b] –46.3 (d; 0.728) –61.3 (d; 0.712) –57.2 (d; 0.681) ∆E(2β) [b] –46.3 (d; 0.728) –61.2 (d; 0.712) –57.2 (d; 0.681) ∆E(3β) [b] –46.3 (d; 0.727) –61.2 (d; 0.712) –57.2 (d; 0.681) ∆E(4β) [b] –46.3 (d; 0.727) –61.2 (d; 0.712) –57.2 (d; 0.681) ∆E(5β) [b] –46.3 (d; 0.727) –61.2 (d; 0.711) –57.2 (d; 0.681) ∆E(6β) [b] –10.1 (s; 0.159) –9.8 (s; 0.160) –17.2 (s; 0.235) ∆E(7β) [b] –7.1 (p; 0.120) –5.7 (p; 0.108) –6.6 (p; 0.120) ∆E(8β) [b] –7.1 (p; 0.120) –5.7 (p; 0.108) –6.6 (p; 0.120) ∆E(9β) [b] –7.1 (p; 0.120) –5.7 (p; 0.108) –6.6 (p; 0.120) ∆E(s) [c] –78.3 (19.3%) –76.7 (14.7%) –72.9 (13.5%) ∆E(d) [c] –229.0 (56.3%) –354.6 (67.8%) –365.0 (67.5%) ∆E(p) [c] –47.7 (11.7%) –39.3 (7.5%) –45.3 (8.4%) Rest [c] –51.1 (12.6%) –52.7 (10.1%) –57.4 (10.6%)
  24. ∆E(1β) [b] –289.4 (d; 0.869) –245.7 (d; 0.866) –213.5 (d; 0.840) ∆E(2β) [b] –289.3 (d; 0.869) –245.7 (d; 0.866) –213.4 (d; 0.840) ∆E(3β) [b] –289.3 (d; 0.869) –245.6 (d; 0.866) –213.5 (d; 0.840) ∆E(4β) [b] –289.1 (d; 0.869) –245.6 (d; 0.866) –213.5 (d; 0.840) ∆E(5β) [b] –289.1 (d; 0.868) –245.6 (d; 0.866) –213.4 (d; 0.840) ∆E(6β) [b] –44.1 (s; 0.230) –38.3 (s; 0.224) –57.7 (s; 0.311) ∆E(7β) [b] –25.1 (p; 0.165) –21.2 (p; 0.155) –22.7 (p; 0.166) ∆E(8β) [b] –25.1 (p; 0.164) –21.2 (p; 0.155) –22.7 (p; 0.166) ∆E(9β) [b] –25.1 (p; 0.164) –21.2 (p; 0.155) –22.7 (p; 0.166) ∆E(s) [c] –33.7 (2.3%) –43.6 (3.1%) –54.8 (4.1%) ∆E(d) [c] –1074.1 (74.1%) –1055.4 (75.5%) –930.2 (70.4%) ∆E(p) [c] –154.8 (10.7%) –132.0 (9.4%) –142.5 (10.8%) Rest [c] –186.4 (12.9%) –166.5 (11.9%) –193.4 (14.6%)
  25. ∆E(1α) [b] –259.8 (s; 1.000) –241.9 (s; 0.991) –185.4 (s; 0.740) ∆E(2α) [b] –96.6 (d; 0.536) –68.3 (d; 0.513) –82.1 (d; 0.521) ∆E(3α) [b] –96.6 (d; 0.536) –68.3 (d; 0.513) –82.1 (d; 0.521) ∆E(4α) [b] –96.5 (d; 0.536) –68.3 (d; 0.513) –82.1 (d; 0.521) ∆E(5α) [b] –96.5 (d; 0.536) –68.3 (d; 0.513) –82.1 (d; 0.521) ∆E(6α) [b] –96.5 (d; 0.536) –68.3 (d; 0.513) –82.1 (d; 0.521) ∆E(7α) [b] +0.8 (p; 0.082) –0.5 (p; 0.064) –0.4 (p; 0.069) ∆E(8α) [b] +0.9 (p; 0.082) –0.5 (p; 0.064) –0.4 (p; 0.069) ∆E(9α) [b] +0.9 (p; 0.082) –0.5 (p; 0.064) –0.4 (p; 0.069)
  26. ∆E(1α) [b] –68.2 (s; 0.645) –66.9 (s; 0.615) –55.7 (s; 0.594) ∆E(2α) [b] +0.5 (d; 0.588) –9.7 (d; 0.546) –15.8 (d; 0.549) ∆E(3α) [b] +0.5 (d; 0.588) –9.7 (d; 0.546) –15.8 (d; 0.549) ∆E(4α) [b] +0.5 (d; 0.588) –9.7 (d; 0.546) –15.8 (d; 0.549) ∆E(5α) [b] +0.5 (d; 0.588) –9.7 (d; 0.546) –15.8 (d; 0.549) ∆E(6α) [b] +0.5 (d; 0.588) –9.7 (d; 0.546) –15.8 (d; 0.549) ∆E(7α) [b] –8.8 (p; 0.120) –7.4 (p; 0.108) –8.5 (p; 0.120) ∆E(8α) [b] –8.8 (p; 0.120) –7.4 (p; 0.108) –8.5 (p; 0.120) ∆E(9α) [b] –8.8 (p; 0.120) –7.4 (p; 0.108) –8.5 (p; 0.120)
  27. ∆E int –542.9 –597.8 –589.4 ∆E Pauli 249.9 352.3 385.5 ∆E elstat [a] –39.0 (4.9%) –112.9 (11.9%) –148.0 (15.2%) ∆E orb [a] –753.8 (95.1%) –837.2 (88.1%) –826.9 (84.8%)
  28. Durchgezogene Linien, die Atomkerne miteinander verbinden, stellen Bindungspfade dar, senkrecht dazu sind die Schnittstrecken der Nullflussflächen mit der betrachtete Ebene. Bindungskritische Punkte sind die Schnittpunkte der Bindungspfade mit den Nullflussflächen -564.0 (29.5%) -519.4 (27.4%) -468.0 (23.8%) ∆E(a g ) [b] -239.2 (42.4%) -228.8 (44.1%) -143.9 (30.8%) ∆E(h g ) [b] -330.0 (58.5%) -287.3 (55.3%) -318.5 (68.1%) ∆E(t 1u ) [b] 5.4 (-1.0%) -3.0 (0.6%) -5.2 (1.1%)
  29. ∆E(1α) [b] +10.4 (s; 0.761) –5.3 (s; 0.726) +2.9 (s; 0.670) ∆E(2α) [b] +74.4 (d; 0.508) +34.6 (d; 0.458) +27.5 (d; 0.470) ∆E(3α) [b] +74.4 (d; 0.508) +34.6 (d; 0.458) +27.4 (d; 0.470) ∆E(4α) [b] +74.3 (d; 0.508) +34.6 (d; 0.458) +27.4 (d; 0.470) ∆E(5α) [b] +74.2 (d; 0.508) +34.5 (d; 0.458) +27.4 (d; 0.470) ∆E(6α) [b] +74.2 (d; 0.508) +34.5 (d; 0.458) +27.4 (d; 0.470) ∆E(7α) [b] –26.5 (p; 0.165) –22.8 (p; 0.155) –24.8 (p; 0.166) ∆E(8α) [b] –26.5 (p; 0.164) –22.8 (p; 0.155) –24.8 (p; 0.166) ∆E(9α) [b] –26.5 (p; 0.164) –22.8 (p; 0.155) –24.8 (p; 0.166)
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