0500 Oau 1100 2006 2050 ##0##urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2006-08253 2051 ##0##10.17192/z2006.0825 3000 Zwickel, Timm 4000 Coding the Presence of Visual Objects in a Recurrent Neural Network of Visual Cortex 4085 ##0##=s MB=u https://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/diss/z2006/0825=x H 5050 |570 5584 Ratenkodierendes Neuron 5584 Visual object 5584 Visual system 5584 Neural network 5584 Medical information systems 5584 Health 5584 Biology and genetics (REVISED) 5584 LIFE AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 5584 Großhirnrinde 5584 Rückkopplung 5584 Gestaltpsychologie 5584 Neuronales Netz 5584 Visuelles System 5584 Biowissenschaften, Biologie 5584 Sehrinde 5584 Recurrent network 5584 Border Ownership 5584 Marburger Modell Neuron 5584 Kantenzugehörigkeit 5584 Gestalt laws 5584 Figur-Grund-Trennung 5584 Border ownership 5584 Figure ground segregation 5584 Sehobjekte opus:1503