0500 Oau 1100 2005 2050 ##0##urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2005-05276 2051 ##0##10.17192/z2005.0527 3000 Christ, André 4000 Optical properties of metallic photonic crystal structures 4085 ##0##=s MB=u https://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/diss/z2005/0527=x H 5050 |530 5584 Kopplung 5584 Photonic crystals 5584 Photonischer Kristall 5584 Polariton 5584 Photonic bandgap materials (for photonic crystal lasers, see 42.55.Tv) 5584 Polaritons 5584 Physik 5584 Plasmon 5584 Collective excitations (including excitons, polarons, plasmons and other charge-density excitations) (for collective excitations in quantum Hall effects, see 73.43.Lp) 5584 Plasmonic 5584 Strong coupling 5584 Exziton-Polariton 5584 Oberflächenplasmonresonanz 5584 Kopplung opus:1212