0500 Oau 1100 2022 2050 ##0##urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-es2024-02255 2051 ##0##10.1186/s12885-022-09854-0 3000 Mandic, Robert 3000 Marquardt, André 3000 Terhorst, Philip 3000 Ali, Uzma 3000 Nowak-Rossmann, Annette 3000 Cai, Chengzhong 3000 Rodepeter, Fiona R. 3000 Stiewe, Thorsten 3000 Wezorke, Bernadette 3000 Wanzel, Michael 3000 Neff, Andreas 3000 Stuck, Boris A. 3000 Bette, Michael 4000 The importin beta superfamily member RanBP17 exhibits a role in cell proliferation and is associated with improved survival of patients with HPV+ HNSCC 4085 ##0##=s MB=u https://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/es/2024/0225=x H 5050 |610 5584 circRanBP17 5584 Medizin 5584 RanBP17 5584 HPV 5584 Proliferation 5584 HNSCC 5584 Survival opus:12731