0500 Oau 1100 2022 2050 ##0##urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-es2022-01437 2051 ##0##10.3389/fpsyt.2022.813519 3000 Dobener, Lisa-Marie 3000 Fahrer, Julia 3000 Purtscheller, Daniel 3000 Bauer, Annette 3000 Paul, Jean Lilian 3000 Christiansen, Hanna 4000 How Do Children of Parents with Mental Illness Experience Stigma? A Systematic Mixed Studies Review 4085 ##0##=s MB=u https://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/es/2022/0143=x H 5050 |150 5584 children of parents with mental illness 5584 systematic review 5584 child mental health 5584 Psychologie 5584 stigma 5584 qualitative content analysis opus:10837