Fanden er løs! En utviklingshistorisk fremstilling av "satanisme" som moderne ondskapsforestilling.


  • Asbjørn Dyrendal Norwegian University of Science and Technology



This essay traces the development of some of the central ideas behind the 1980s and 1990s Satanism scare. In the first part of the essay I trace some of the ideas that were disseminated in Norway in 1991-1992 back to their (primarily) American origins in different professions and ideologies. Some of the ideas, such as the "brainwashing" motif and the framework of a dangerous, subversive movement are well-established in "traditional" American subversion myths. Others seem to have been shaped around interpretations of troubling events or claims in popular books. In the essay, I emphasize the interplay between the ideas brought up by interest groups and by ideologists as well as the interplay between highly profiled events and later allegations.

Author Biography

Asbjørn Dyrendal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Dept. of Religious Studies


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How to Cite

Dyrendal, A. (2015). Fanden er løs! En utviklingshistorisk fremstilling av "satanisme" som moderne ondskapsforestilling. Marburg Journal of Religion, 5(1).


