The study of religions and the dialogue of religions (Shûkyôgaku to shûkyôtaiwa)
Distinguishing between science of religions and dialogue of religions The purpose of this paper is to consider some of the ways in which the scientific study of religions1 might have implications for the continuing process of dialogue between religions. While the study of religions itself is a non-religious activity, the dialogue between religions, on the other hand, certainly is in some sense a religious activity. It involves the presentation and exchange of religious experiences and religious positions. It is possible for such dialogues to take place without reference to the study of religions. However it is possible that those involved in such dialogues might benefit from the perspectives opened up in the scientific study of religions. The present paper, based on a lecture given at Ôtani University in Kyôto, makes some suggestions in this direction.
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Jodo Shinshu und Evangelische Theologie. III. Internationales Rudolf-Otto Symposion am Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie der Philipps-Universität Marburg in Zusammenarbeit mit der Otani-Universität Kyoto. Hamburg (EB-Verlag).
Barth, Hans-Martin, Minoura, Eryo and Pye, Michael, Eds. 2000. Bukkyô to kirisutokyô no taiwa.
Jôdo Shinshû to fukuinshugishingaku. Kyôto (Hôzôkan).
Berger, Peter. 1981. “The pluralistic situation and the coming dialogue between the world religions.” Buddhist-Christian Studies 1: 31-41.
Brück, Michael von and Lai, Whalen 1997. Buddhismus und Christentum. Geschichte, Konfrontation, Dialog. München (C.H.Beck).
Groot, J. J. M. de 1892. The Religious System of China. Leyden (Leiden) (E. J. Brill).
Grünschloss, Andreas 1999. Der eigene und der fremde Glaube. Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck).
Hick, John 1993. Disputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy of Religion. Basingstoke
Jetsonen, Jari and Pentikäinen, Juha 2000. Löylyn Henki. Kolmen Mantereen Kylvyt. Helsinki (Rakennustieto Oy).
Matsunaga, Alicia 1969. The Buddhist Philosophy of Assimilation. The Historical Development of the Honji Suijaku Theory. Tokyo (Sophia University Press).
May, John D'Arcy 1984. Meaning, Consensus and Dialogue in Buddhist-Christian Communication.
Bern (Peter Lang).
Pye, Michael 1972. Comparative Religion. An Introduction through Source Materials. Newton Abbot (England UK) / New York (David and Charles / Harper and Row).
Pye, Michael and Morgan, Robert Eds. 1973. The Cardinal Meaning. Essays in Comparative Hermeneutics: Buddhism and Christianity. (Religion and Reason 6) The Hague (Mouton).
Pye, Michael 1979. Theologie im Kontext des religiösen Pluralismus. Christus allein -- allein das Christentum? (Vorträge der vierten theologischen Konferenz zwischen Vertretern der
Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland und der Kirche von England). Klaus Kremkau. Frankfurt am Main (Verlag Otto Lembeck): 11-25.
Pye, Michael 1990. “Skilful means and the interpretation of Christianity.” Buddhist-Christian Studies 10: 17-22.
Pye, Michael 1994. “Religion: shape and shadow.” Numen 41(1): 51-75.
Pye, Michael 1999. Methodological integration in the study of religions. Approaching Religion.
Tore Ahlbäck. Åbo, Finland (Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History). 1: 188-205.
Pye, Michael 2000(b). Participation, observation and reflection: an endless method. Ethnography is
a Heavy Rite. Studies of Comparative Religion in Honor of Juha Pentikäinen. Nils G. et al. Holm.
Åbo (Åbo Akademis Tryckeri): 64-79.
Pye, Michael 2000(b). Westernism unmasked. Secular Theories of Religion. Current Perspectives.
Jensen, Tim and Rothstein, Mikael, Eds., Copenhagen (Museum Tusculanum Press): 211-230.
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry 1992. "Den Löwen brüllen hören". Zur Hermeneutik eines christlichen Verständnisses der buddhistischen Heilsbotschaft. Paderborn (Schöningh).
Sharma, Arvind 1990. “"Skill in means" in early Buddhism and Christianity.” Buddhist-Christian Studies 10: 23-33.
Smart, Ninian 1962. The relation between Christianity and the other great religions. Soundings, Essays Concerning Christian Understanding. A. R. Vidler. Cambridge, (Cambridge University
Press): 103-121.
Stark, Rodney and Glock, Charles Y 1968. Patterns of Religious Commitment. Berkeley, (University of California Press).
Tenrikyôdôyûsha 1998. Tenrikyô to Kirisutokyô no taiwa. Tenri City (Tenri Jihôsha).
The Organizing Committee of "Tenri-Christian Dialogue", Ed. 1999. Tenrikyo-Christian Dialogue. Tenri City (Tenri University Press).
Tominaga, Nakamoto 1990. Emerging from Meditation (Michael Pye, trans.). London (Duckworth) and Honolulu (University of Hawaii Press).
How to Cite
Pye, M. (2015). The study of religions and the dialogue of religions (Shûkyôgaku to shûkyôtaiwa). Marburg Journal of Religion, 6(2).
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