A Thug, a Revolutionary or Both? Negotiating Masculinity in Post-Revolutionary Egypt


  • Dina Wahbe Freie Universitat


Affect, Emotions, Egypt, Masculinity, Gender, Egyptian Revolution, Urban Poor,, Politics from Below


During the eighteen days of the Egyptian revolution, some hundred police stations in popular quarters in Cairo were burned down. Official accounts reported this as the work of baltagiya (thugs). The question of who burned the police stations serves as an entry point to problematizing the identity of baltagiya. Thus, examining the gendered affective registers linked to the baltagi (thug) is essential in understanding the potential of the revolutionary moment and the urgency with which the state had to reinstate the narrative of the baltagi as a dangerous criminal to justify mass violence and speed urban transformation projects.


Dina Wahbe, Freie Universitat

Dina Wahba completed her M.A. degree in Gender Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. Her published thesis is entitled Gendering the Egyptian Revolution. Dina received her PhD from Freie Universität, Berlin and currently working on a book entitled From the Midan to the Neighborhood: Affect, Emotions and Political Participation in (Counter) Revolutionary Egypt. Dina is a feminist activist who worked with several local, regional, and international organizations. She worked on a number of gender issues such as sexual and gender-based violence, leadership and political participation. Dina worked in several countries among them United Kingdom, South Sudan, Egypt and most recently Germany.
Institutional Affiliation: Freie Universität, Berlin.





