Qom After Islamic Neoliberalism: A Narrative of the City in Limbo


  • Kamaluddin Duaei The University of Tehran


Qom, Neoliberalism, Hedonism, Shia, Urbanism


Despite its classically appreciated rank in the constellation of the Shia world and its key but contentious role in the politics of modern Iran, Qom has been one of the least-researched cities of the country. Especially taking into account the archstructures of capitalist political economy and the undercurrents of middle-class consumerism, this study aims at building up a critical, materialist take on the neo-liberal politics of Qom, particularly with regard to the developments of the last decade. It argues that recent trends in the urban formation and municipal policy of Qom betray the historical image they pretend to sustain and the ideological ideals they seem to pursue.


Kamaluddin Duaei, The University of Tehran

Kamaluddin Duaei is an M.A. graduate of North American Studies from the University of Tehran. His thesis was titled “Landscapes of Identity in the New South: A Cultural Analysis of Alabama’s Depression Murals” and addressed the ways dominant ideological discourses molded the landscapes of identity in the New South during the 1930s. His fields of interest include, but are not limited to, critical studies of urban spaces, economic history, visual culture, mass culture, and the politics of psychology. He also works as a freelance journalist and translator in Iran.


