Urban Development in Beirut: Gender and Space


  • Sandrine Melki ENeC - Sorbonne - Paris IV


Space, Urban Planning, Gender, Women, Inequality


While tackling the gender/urban development approach is new, but widely spread in the western world, the subject is almost irrelevant to Middle-Eastern research. The case study of one neighborhood in the cosmopolitan and distinctive Beirut explores this approach while focusing on women, either as recipients or as producers within their experience of space and their involvement with urban material.  


Sandrine Melki, ENeC - Sorbonne - Paris IV

Sandrine Melki is an architect who has gained experience working with issues related to the urban fabric, especially in Lebanon. She is currently a PhD candidate at Sorbonne – Paris IV, finishing up her research while planning for a thesis defense in December 2019. Being a strong advocate of social justice and gender related issues, the cultural geography themed research she is leading focuses on women’s perspectives and experiences of the city itself, while negotiating the existence of gendered identities in the urban spaces of the Greater Beirut area.






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