Who Is a Rebel? Typology and Rebel Groups in the Contemporary Middle East


  • Hyeran Jo Texas A&M University
  • Rotem Dvir Texas A&M University
  • Yvette Isidori Texas A&M University


Rebel Groups, Civil conflicts, Middle East


This article provides a typology of rebel groups in the Middle East from the perspective of political science and situates them in a broader context of rebellion around the world.


Hyeran Jo, Texas A&M University

is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at Texas A&M University. Her research deals with the working of international organizations, the design of international rules and agreements, and the question of compliance with international law by non-state actors. Her publications include her monograph Compliant Rebels: Rebel Groups and International Law in World Politics (2015). She currently directs the research project Rebel Groups and International Law funded by the National Science Foundation.

email: hyeranjo@tamu.edu

Rotem Dvir, Texas A&M University

is a graduate student in the Department of Political Science at Texas A&M University. He did his undergraduate work at Haifa University, Israel. His research interest is in political violence and the politics of Middle East.

email: rdvir@tamu.edu

Yvette Isidori, Texas A&M University

is an undergraduate student majoring in political science and international commerce at Texas A&M University. She is interested in terrorism and the Middle East.

email: yi0190567@tamu.edu

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