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Titel:Photoconductive THz emitters and detectors on the basis of InGaAs/InP for terahertz time domain spectroscopy
Autor:Dietz, Roman Jürgen Bruno
Weitere Beteiligte: Koch, Martin (Prof. Dr.)
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2015-00772
DDC: Physik
Titel (trans.):Photoleitende THz Emitter und Detektoren auf der Basis von InGaAs/InP für die Terahertz Zeitbereichsspektroskopie


Emitter, Optoelektronik, Zeitbereichsspektroskopie, terahertz, Detektor, Spektroskopie, Halbleiter, Hochfrequenz, emitter, Faserlaser, Terahertz, time domain spectroscopy

The topic of the present thesis is the development and investigation of photoconductive semiconductor structures for the opto-electronic generation and detection of terahertz (THz) radiation by the use of femtosecond fiber lasers at emission wavelengths of 1550 nm and 1030 nm. Aside from investigating fundamental physical questions, the main motivation for the development of such semiconductor structures is to satisfy the rising demand for compact, cost-efficient and rapid THz measurement systems. The goal of this thesis is to expand the field of application of THz measurement beyond scientific research towards industrial process control by developing optimized devices and systems.

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