Eye movements and the maximization of value

Only the central region of the retina, the fovea, can provide us with high-acuity details of our visual environment. In the periphery however, resolution fades away with increasing eccentricity. As a consequence, humans and other animals with a foveated visual system move their eyes to redirect t...

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Bibliográfalaš dieđut
Váldodahkki: Wolf, Christian
Eará dahkkit: Schütz, Alexander C. (Prof. Dr.) (BetreuerIn (Doktorarbeit))
Materiálatiipa: Dissertation
Almmustuhtton: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2017
Fáddágilkorat: Lasit fáddágilkoriid
Eai fáddágilkorat, Lasit vuosttaš fáddágilkora!