The global importance and interplay of colour-based protective and thermoregulatory functions in frogs

Small-scale studies have shown that colour lightness variation can have important physiological implications in ectotherms, with darker species having greater heating rates, as well as protection against pathogens and photooxidative damage. Using data for 41% (3059) of all known frog and toad specie...

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Bibliográfalaš dieđut
Váldodahkkit: Laumeier, Ricarda, Brändle, Martin, Rödel, Mark-Oliver, Brunzel, Stefan, Brandl, Roland, Pinkert, Stefan
Materiálatiipa: Artihkal
Almmustuhtton: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2024
Fáddágilkorat: Lasit fáddágilkoriid
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