Moss, Christopher. Creative Writing Workshop 1998. Introduction. In: Ahornblätter. 12. Marburg, 1999 (Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Marburg; 90)
ISBN 3-8185-0274-9 ISSN 0931-7163

Creative Writing Workshop 1998


The "Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe Kanada" in collaboration with the "Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik" hosted a creative writing workshop for the fourth time in June 1998. It has become a tradition that the workshop culminates in a Canadian Literature Day. The workshop was taught by Aritha van Herk, who herself studied creative writing with Rudy Wiebe, who can be regarded as the founding father of this venture. An exciting new development in the 1998 workshop was that the participants after an introduction from Aritha van Herk read from the work they had written during the workshop.

The workshop and the Canadian Literature Day have become such a tradition in Marburg that the details of the 1999 workshop have been fixed: it will be run by Stephen Scobie from 9 - 16 June and will be open to participants from outside Marburg.

(Christopher Moss)

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