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Titel:Composite nanocarriers for nucleic acid delivery
Autor:Pinnapireddy, Shashank Reddy
Weitere Beteiligte: Bakowsky, Udo (Prof. Dr)
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2017-02529
DDC:500 Naturwissenschaften
Titel (trans.):Komposit nicht-viraler Gentransfersysteme zum Transfer von Nukleinsäuren


gene delivery, Liposomes, RNS-Interferenz, RNA interference, Gentechnologie, Inflammation, ultrasound, Entzündung, Ultraschall, Gene Therapy, Liposom, Gentransfer

Supported with a strong literature background, this thesis elaborately describes the perspectives of an efficient, biocompatible delivery system capable of transfecting both in vitro and in vivo with minimal toxicity. A detailed study of the lipopolyplexes was performed to evaluate its efficacy and capabilities yielding consistent results.The thesis deals with aspects such as gene delivery, RNA interference and vectors used for the delivery. Non-viral vectors, especially polymer and liposomal based gene delivery vehicles are reviewed. These formed the basis for the composite nanocarrier system, lipopolyplex used in this study. Advantages and disadvantages of liposomal and polymer based gene delivery systems are reviewed. Composition, structural characteristics and physicochemical properties of lipopolyplexes are discussed. Physical methods for enhancing the gene transfer using lipopolyplexes via photochemical internalisation and ultrasound enhanced gene transfer are described. A therapeutic anti-inflammatory model to evaluate the efficacy of the lipopolyplexes has been described. The necessity of toxicity and haemocompatibility studies for the evaluation of delivery vehicles have been summarised. Chorioallantoic membrane model has been described with the aim to prove the biocompatibility and efficacy of the lipopolyplexes in vivo.

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