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Genome Mining, Isolierung und Charakterisierung von neuartigen Lassopeptiden und ihre Nutzung in der Wirkstoffentwicklung
Titel:Genome Mining, Isolation and Characterization of Novel Lasso Peptides and Their Utilization in Drug Development
Autor:Hegemann, Julian David
Weitere Beteiligte: Marahiel, Mohamed A. (Prof. Dr.)
URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:04-z2014-03864
DDC: Chemie


Lassopeptide, Strukturaufklärung, Naturstoffchemie, drug development, epitope grafting, Wirkstoffentwicklung, lasso peptide, Biosynthese, Naturstoff, ribosomal synthetisierte Naturstoffe, Peptide, ribosomally-assembled natural products, Epitope Grafting, Biochemie, RIPPs, RIPPs

Lasso peptides are a class of natural products that belong to the family of ribosomally‑assembled and posttranslationally‑modified peptides. They are defined by an unique structural motif referred to as the so‑called lariat knot, whose name is derived from the fact that this topology is reminiscent of the knot found in the noose of a lasso. This structure is achieved by the presence of an N‑terminal macrolactam ring that is threaded by the C‑terminal tail of the peptide. The fold in these molecules is then conserved by non‑covalent interactions in the form of bulky amino acids located above and below the macrolactam ring, in this way entrapping the tail inside of the ring. What makes these compounds of interest for research is that their structure, even though it is maintained merely by sterical interactions, often exhibits a tremendous stability against thermal, chemical and proteolytic degradation. Still, up to now little is known about the general function of these compounds for their producing organisms, although there are some interesting biological activities attributed to some of the previously reported lasso peptides. To obtain more information about their physico‑chemical properties, their biosynthesis and to get an idea what role they might play in nature, the primary subject of this thesis was the directed genome mining for and the subsequent isolation and characterization of novel lasso peptides. The results of these projects were published in several studies that will be shown and discussed in the course of this thesis. Amongst other findings, these studies not only include the discovery of a multitude of novel lasso peptides, but through the thorough analysis and characterization of these compounds, several former assumptions of this research area could be overhauled and updated. In addition to this, the bioinformatic data gathered during our genome mining studies furthermore uncovered interesting facts about the distribution of lasso peptides amongst bacteria and about the existence of different subgroups of biosynthetic gene cluster arrangements, which could facilitate future research directed towards identifiying the concrete functions of these compounds. Furthermore, it was also investigated if these compounds are suitable scaffolds for drug development via epitope grafting approaches. In this regard, a previously reported bioactive lasso graft was used as the basis to show that such compounds can indeed be further optimized and improved upon by rational approaches that utilize the information obtained from research done with simple linear or cyclic peptides that are, in contrast to lasso peptides, easily accessible by synthetic means.

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Torsion angles [°] for the -4 aa truncation of xanthomonin I. N120-C119-C219-N119 -21.4(7) C323-C423-C523-N117 -44.9(5) O128-C128-N129-C429 3.7(7) O119-C119-C219-C319 -79.9(6) O123-C123-N124-C224 1.4(6) C228-C128-N129-C429 -179.9(4) N120-C119-C219-C319 94.5(5) C223-C123-N124-C224 175.4(3) C429-C229-C329-O229 90.4(6) N119-C219-C319-C4A19 24.1(7) C123-N124-C224-C324 172.8(4) C429-C229-C329-N229 -88.2(5) C119-C219-C319-C4A19 -99.8(7) C123-N124-C224-C124 -61.1(5) C128-N129-C429-C229 130.4(4) N119-C219-C319-C4B19 -17.1(9) O124-C124-C224-N124 151.5(4) C128-N129-C429-C129 -108.9(5) C119-C219-C319-C4B19 -141.1(9) N125-C124-C224-N124 -28.9(5) C329-C229-C429-N129 -76.9(5) C118-N119-C519-C4A19 174.7(6) O124-C124-C224-C324 -84.0(5) C329-C229-C429-C129 161.5(4) C219-N119-C519-C4A19 -16.5(7) N125-C124-C224-C324 95.6(4) O129-C129-C429-N129 -34.0(6) C118-N119-C519-C4B19 -146.0(8) N124-C224-C324-C424 -69.0(5) N130-C129-C429-N129 148.3(4) C219-N119-C519-C4B19 22.8(8) C124-C224-C324-C424 165.5(4) O129-C129-C429-C229 87.6(5) C4B19-C319-C4A19-C519 62.8(10) C224-C324-C424-C524 -174.9(4) N130-C129-C429-C229 -90.1(5) C219-C319-C4A19-C519 -36.2(9) C324-C424-C524-O224 -28.5(7) O129-C129-N130-C230 -2.3(7) N119-C519-C4A19-C319 32.5(9) C324-C424-C524-O324 154.9(5) C429-C129-N130-C230 175.4(4) C4B19-C519-C4A19-C319 -63.9(12) O124-C124-N125-C625 -12.8(6) C129-N130-C230-C130 -59.9(5) C4A19-C319-C4B19-C519 -60.8(10) C224-C124-N125-C625 167.6(4) C129-N130-C230-C330 176.9(4) C219-C319-C4B19-C519 31.4(12) C325-C225-C425-C525 53.6(6) O130-C130-C230-N130 -47.7(6) N119-C519-C4B19-C319 -32.4(11) C625-C225-C425-C525 -72.0(5) N131-C130-C230-N130 134.6(4) C4A19-C519-C4B19-C319 58.7(10) C124-N125-C625-C125 -130.6(4) O130-C130-C230-C330 74.5(6) O119-C119-N120-C220 6.8(8) C124-N125-C625-C225 108.6(4) N131-C130-C230-C330 -103.1(5) C219-C119-N120-C220 -167.3(4) O125-C125-C625-N125 -62.0(5) N130-C230-C330-C430 -62.3(6) C119-N120-C220-C320 120.5(5) N126-C125-C625-N125 119.6(4) C130-C230-C330-C430 176.2(5) C119-N120-C220-C120 -111.5(5) O125-C125-C625-C225 60.4(5) N130-C230-C330-C530 173.6(5) O120-C120-C220-N120 59.1(5) N126-C125-C625-C225 -118.0(4) C130-C230-C330-C530 52.1(6) N121-C120-C220-N120 -120.9(4) C425-C225-C625-N125 -60.9(5) O130-C130-N131-C531 175.2(5) O120-C120-C220-C320 -175.6(4) C325-C225-C625-N125 172.6(4) C230-C130-N131-C531 -7.1(7) N121-C120-C220-C320 4.4(6) C425-C225-C625-C125 179.9(4) O130-C130-N131-C231 5.5(7) N120-C220-C320-C420 -59.0(6) C325-C225-C625-C125 53.4(5) C230-C130-N131-C231 -176.8(4) C120-C220-C320-C420 175.8(4) O125-C125-N126-C226 -5.3(6) C130-N131-C231-C131 -64.3(6) C220-C320-C420-C620 -61.7(7) C625-C125-N126-C226 173.0(4) C531-N131-C231-C131 124.6(5) C220-C320-C420-C520 175.2(5) C125-N126-C226-C126 78.6(5) C130-N131-C231-C331 176.2(5) O120-C120-N121-C221 8.4(7) O126-C126-C226-N126 7.7(6) C531-N131-C231-C331 5.1(6) C220-C120-N121-C221 -171.6(4) N127-C126-C226-N126 -170.9(3) O131-C131-C231-N131 -37.6(7) C120-N121-C221-C121 -134.4(4) O126-C126-N127-C227 0.9(7) N132-C131-C231-N131 147.0(4) C120-N121-C221-C321 104.0(5) C226-C126-N127-C227 179.6(4) O131-C131-C231-C331 78.1(7) O121-C121-C221-N121 -17.5(5) C126-N127-C227-C127 144.6(4) N132-C131-C231-C331 -97.2(6) N122-C121-C221-N121 164.4(4) O127-C127-C227-N127 14.4(6) N131-C231-C331-C4A31 24.3(7) O121-C121-C221-C321 104.6(5) N128-C127-C227-N127 -167.1(4) C131-C231-C331-C4A31 -98.1(7) N122-C121-C221-C321 -73.5(5) O127-C127-N128-C228 2.2(6) N131-C231-C331-C631 -21.0(8) O121-C121-N122-C222 0.9(6) C227-C127-N128-C228 -176.2(4) C131-C231-C331-C631 -143.4(7) C221-C121-N122-C222 178.9(4) C127-N128-C228-C128 -121.0(4) C130-N131-C531-C631 -155.6(7) C121-N122-C222-C122 139.7(4) C127-N128-C228-C328 113.4(5) C231-N131-C531-C631 14.7(8) O122-C122-C222-N122 142.5(4) O128-C128-C228-N128 -172.7(4) C130-N131-C531-C4A31 164.5(6) N123-C122-C222-N122 -38.4(5) N129-C128-C228-N128 10.7(6) C231-N131-C531-C4A31 -25.1(6) O122-C122-N123-C223 0.5(6) O128-C128-C228-C328 -47.4(6) N131-C531-C631-C331 -25.5(9) C222-C122-N123-C223 -178.6(4) N129-C128-C228-C328 136.0(4) C4A31-C531-C631-C331 47.3(7) C122-N123-C223-C123 -102.2(4) N128-C228-C328-C428 -71.4(5) C4A31-C331-C631-C531 -65.3(8) C122-N123-C223-C323 140.9(4) C128-C228-C328-C428 161.4(4) C231-C331-C631-C531 28.6(9) O123-C123-C223-N123 -12.9(5) C228-C328-C428-C528 92.6(6) C231-C331-C4A31-C531 Supporting Information References [1] J. 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